1Janine M. Magno, 2Ronnie S. Pelayo, 3Kristine T. Soberano, Ph.D.
1,2MIT Graduate School Department, State University of Northern Negros, Philippines
3State University of Northern Negros, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i07-29Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study focuses mainly on providing Celso with an Apartment Rental Management System for Real-Time Transaction and Task Organization. The system is a solution to the issue of inaccurate and disorganized data management within Celso’s apartment complexes. To address this challenge, the Apartment Rental Management System for Real-Time Transaction and Task Organization is designed to cater specifically to the needs of lessors, offering a comprehensive system. By implementing the Apartment Rental Management System for Real-Time Transaction and Task Organization, this study seeks to alleviate conflicts between lessors and how to manage the properties while concurrently enhancing the efficiency of property management operations. The researchers will use the developmental method of research and the Rapid Application Development Approach Model as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The implementation of the system was successful and generated a positive outcome. Therefore, the lessors, and property managers of the Celso Apartment, consider and accept the implementation of the developed system as a promising solution to the multifaceted challenges encountered in apartment rental management.
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Volume 07 Issue 07 July 2024

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