1Eva M. Escol, 2Arlene R. Alcopra
1,2Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i07-16Google Scholar Download Pdf
Education is a collaborative effort where both parents and teachers cooperate to equip learners for achievements. This study aimed to determine the level of parental involvement in their child's education, learners' academic performance and significant relationship between parental and learners' academic performance during the Second Quarter of School Year 2023- 2024. It employed descriptive correlational design with documentary analysis. The respondents were the parents of learners at the different schools of Manolo Fortich IV District, Division of Bukidnon. The instrument was adapted and modified to determine parental involvement while academic performance of their children were taken from the School Form 5 of the adviser. Mean and standard Deviation and Pearson Moment Correlation were used to determine the analysis of the variables. Results found that parents are highly involved in the education of their children. It also showed a very satisfactory performance of learners during the Second Quarter of School Year 2023-2024. Significant relationships were demonstrated between parental involvement and learners’ academic performance. Parents may continue to assist at home, talk with the teachers, and be involved in their children's education.
KEYWORDS:home, involvement, learners, performance, school
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