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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

Humanistic Buddhism: Amṛtyupasthāna, Ānāpānasmṛti and Holistic Health Management
Lung-Tan Lu
Fo Guang University, Taiwan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-09

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Humanistic Buddhism provides a profound and unique perspective on exploring the path of holistic health. Smṛtyupasthāna (Four Mindfulnesses) is a basic meditation method in Buddhism, which involves continuous awareness and observation of four different aspects: (1) Kāyānupassanā (Body Mindfulness), (2) Vedanānupassanā (Mindfulness of Feelings), (3) Cittānupassanā (Mindfulness of Mind) and (4) Dhammānupassanā (Mindfulness of Dharma). Mindfulness is an effective way to manage worries, allowing us to be free from worries, stay away from upside-down dreams, and achieve a state of freedom. This article proposes a model of humanistic Buddhism and holistic health: (1) Kāyānupassanā and Physical Well-being, (2) Vedanānupassanā and Spiritual Well-being, (3) Cittānupassanā and Mental Well-being, and (4) Dhammānupassanā and Social Well-being. The Four Mindfulness Practices of Humanistic Buddhism provide us with valuable tools and ways to improve the holistic health and cope with the challenges and difficulties in life. Through spiritual practice and practice, we can achieve holistic health at the individual, physical, spiritual and social levels.


Humanistic Buddhism, Master Hsing Yun, Amṛtyupasthāna, Ānāpānasmṛti, Holistic Health Management

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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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