1Alan Hartanto, 2Yustinus Sukarmin, 3Ali Munir
1,2Department of Sports and Health Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, INDONESIA.
3Departement of Physical Education, Health, and Recreation, STKIP Modern Ngawi, INDONESIA
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-81Google Scholar Download Pdf
Back Up and Core Stability Exercise are two models that can be used by trainers to increase Togok Muscle Strength. This study aims to find out: (1) the difference in the effect between Back Up and Core Stability Exercise on Togok Muscle Strength; (2) the difference in the effect between athletes who have high and low balance on the Togok Muscle Strength of soccer athletes; (3) Interaction between Back Up Training Model and Core Stability Exercise as well as high and low balance of Togok Muscle Strength of soccer athletes. This type of research is experimental research using a 2x2 factorial design. The population in this study was 38 PS Sekongkang football athletes. The sample in this study amounted to 20 people who were then carried out ordinally pairing to divide each group. The instrument used is to measure strength, namely Back and Leg Dynamometer while balance uses a Modified Bass Test. The data analysis technique used is ANOVA two way. The results showed that: (1) there was a significant difference in the effect between Back Up and Core Stability Exercise on Togok Muscle Strength, as evidenced by a p significance value of 0.001 and an F value of 17.600. Since the significance value of p is 0.001 < 0.05, it means that H0 is rejected. (2) there is a significant difference in the effect on high and low balance ability on the Togok Muscle Strength of football athletes, as evidenced by the results that the significance value of p is 0.000 and the value of F is 5.309. Since the significance value of p is 0.000 < 0.05, it means that H0 is rejected. (3) There is a significant interaction between Back Up training and Core Stability Exercise on the Togok Muscle Strength of soccer players, as evidenced by the results of a significance value of p of 0.002 and an F value of 21.327. Because the significance value of p is 0.002 < 0.05, Ho is rejected. So from the results of the study, it can be concluded that the back up training model and core stability exercise have a significant impact on the results of the shock strength in order to have maximum performance.
KEYWORDS:Back Up, Core Stability Exercise, Punch Strength, Balance, Athlete.
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