1Iniobong Jonah, 2Dominic David Ekpo, 3Ekom Enefiok Okpo
1,2,3 Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden, Nigeria
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-79Google Scholar Download Pdf
Palm oil as a product of palm fruit, is currently in high demand in Nigeria. The demand for the product is far higher than the supply. With this increase in demand, the price of the product is significantly in the increase. There is need to develop ways of efficiently producing the product from the available palm fruit. The heat exchanger palm fruit cooker designed has two chambers; the inner and outer chamber, the outer is for water content and the inner for the palm fruit to undergo the cooking process. The component has heat energy requirement of 46kJ with use of 45kg of fuel (firewood) to cook the palm fruit. It is made up of mild steel consisting of 6mm for the outer chamber and 2mm for the inner chamber for easy conduction of heat from the boiled water in the outer chamber. The study concludes by showing the economic benefits of constructing the cooker which produces more oil than the normal cooking pots in use.
KEYWORDS:Heat Exchanger, Palm Fruit cooker, Heat Energy, Firewood, Boiled Water.
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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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