• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

Unravelling Catch-Up Fridays: A Look through Novice Teachers’ Perspectives
1Rizalino R. Rafanan, 2Dhean Jencel O. Pimienta, 3Sheryl P. Cacatian, 4Mirriam P. Soria
1Cabuloan Elementary School, Cabuloan, Sta. Catalina, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
2Binalayangan Elementary School, Quimmarayan, Sto. Domingo, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
3,4Narvacan North Central School, Turod, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-69

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Given the critical role of reading proficiency in learner success, the Department of Education’s (DepEd) Catch-Up Fridays program holds promise for improving literacy skills. Prioritizing this program at the school level is essential. However, a potential challenge lies in ensuring the preparedness of novice teachers, those new to the profession, to implement such initiatives effectively. This study aimed to understand the experiences of novice teachers in the first month of implementation of Catch-Up Fridays in the 1st District of Ilocos Sur. The participants of the study were five (5) teachers. They were selected based on the inclusion criteria: 1) 0-3 years in the service, 2) a DepEd employee, 3) a resident of Unit II (Bantay, Caoayan, Santa, San Vicente, Sta. Catalina, Sto. Domingo, and San Ildefonso), and 4) must be willing to participate in the study. This study utilized phenomenological research, applying the focus group discussion and semi-structured open-ended questions. Data collection involved verbatim transcription of participant responses. These transcripts were then systematically analyzed using the Moustakas framework. This analysis included listing, categorization, coding, and thematic identification. The findings indicated that novice teachers viewed their experiences of the first month of Catch-Up Fridays as a Symphony of Emotions-Frustrations to Aspirations with two sub-themes emerging, namely having mixed emotions and being optimistic in enhancing literacy skills. All the novice teacher participants went through a stressful, struggling, and confused phase caused by inadequate resources and lack of training. Amidst the challenges they faced during the first month of implementation of Catch-Up Fridays, they were optimistic for a better outcome because there was an improvement in learners’ literacy. Even though novice teachers typically display commendable optimism amid hard times, focused assistance can boost the effective execution of the program. To enhance the effectiveness of school-level Catch-up Fridays, administrators could provide these educators with comprehensive orientation sessions or seminar workshops. However, making available teaching aids will help to reduce anticipated stress, thereby guaranteeing smooth program implementation.


Catch-Up Fridays, Novice Teachers, Reading, Moustakas Framework, Phenomenology

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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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