1Jeneline P. Gonzales, 2Krystal Yvonne M. Saban, CHRA, 3Kim Jade Piolo B. De Leon, 4Leinor N. Francisco, 5Araceli B. Paster, PhD
1,2,3,4,5College of Arts and Sciences City of Cabuyao, Laguna
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-65Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study focuses on determining the Impact of the transition to face-to-face on social intelligence among selected students of pulo national high school year 2022-2023. it aims to identify the level of student’s social intelligence in terms of Situational awareness, Presence, Authenticity, Clarity and Empathy and to describe the impact of transition to face-to-face to students’ social intelligence. The researchers chose 40 grade 9 students from Pulo National High School, Simple Random Sampling was used to select the grade 9 student-respondents from pulo national high school. The study employed quantitative research design with descriptive design. It was utilized with the use of validated and reliable selfmade survey questionnaire for the respondent’s response. The research also used descriptive analysis in analyzing and interpreting the data gathered from the survey questionnaires. The study revealed that students have a very high level of social intelligence in terms of situational awareness, presence, authenticity, clarity and empathy. In addition, the data demonstrated that students believed that shifting to face-to-face had a significant impact on their social intelligence, The researchers also proposed interventions that can furthermore promote and improve students’ social intelligence. In conclusion the researchers conclude that there is a positive impact of transitioning to faceto- face class to students’ social intelligence.
KEYWORDS:Situational Awareness, Presence, Authenticity, Clarity, Empathy, Social Intelligence.
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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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