• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

Psychosocial Care Needs of Elderly: Development of Psychoeducational Program
1Angelin P. Batohinog, 2Rachele R. Blanqueza, CHRA, 3Jasmine D. Berbaña, CHRA, 4Jerisa S. Dioquino, CHRA, 5Araceli B. Paster, PhD
1,2,3,4,5College of Arts and Science City of Cabuyao Laguna
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-62

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This research explores the shared perspectives of elderly Cabuyeños regarding their psychosocial care needs and caregiving attitudes. Employing a qualitative approach with self-developed semi-structured interviews within the paradigm of constructionism, themes emerge, including familial care needs, recreational preferences, social interactions, religious care needs, governmental support, consistency preferences, caregiver characteristics, and treatment preferences. The study concludes by emphasizing the necessity for a targeted psychoeducational program tailored to the diverse needs identified. The thematic analysis underscores the significance of family support, diverse recreational activities, social interactions, spiritual engagement, government assistance, and preferences for caregiver characteristics and treatment. This proactive solution is vital for addressing physical health challenges and economic hardships, empowering both elderly individuals and caregivers. The proposed program holds promise in providing a holistic approach to psychosocial care, enhancing the quality of life for the elderly in Cabuyao during their later years.


Psychosocial Care Needs, Elderly Shared Perspectives, Psychoeducational Programs, Successful Aging

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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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