1Arianne M. Bagunu, 2Kris Jannah S. Alcala, CHRA, 3Mikee Marie P, Tanay, 4Ma. Erika M. Villanueva, 5Araceli B. Paster, PhD
1,2,3,4,5College of Arts and Sciences City of Cabuyao, Laguna
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-61Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study delves into the lived experiences of paternal parents raising children with developmental disabilities within the City of Cabuyao Laguna. It aims to comprehend their unique challenges, explore how the distress of raising a child with developmental disabilities is manifested in them, and identify their coping strategies. Eight (8) paternal parents, acting as primary caregivers for children with Autism, Down syndrome, and Intellectual disability who were also reported to experience significant stress, were interviewed. The study used a Parental Stress Scale and interviews to collect data. By using a phenomenological research approach, three main themes emerged through thematic analysis: (1) Navigating Parenting Challenges and Sacrifices; under this theme are the subthemes: (1.1) lifestyles, (1.2) financial issues, and (1.3) social stigma. (2) Holistic Well-being Under Stress, its subthemes are (2.1) physical manifestation, (2.2) emotional impact, and (2.3) impact on the body. (3) Balancing Approach to Personal Development and Well-being, under this main theme are these subthemes: (3.1) coping and fostering resilience, (3.2) positive mindset in maintaining children’s growth and well-being, (3.3) engaging diverse activities. The study recommends a Stress Management Program for Paternal Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities, which aims to support paternal parents in raising children with developmental disabilities by providing them with essential stress management tools and fostering a supportive community. Throughout the 5-week program, participants will engage in interactive sessions focused on understanding stress, exploring coping strategies, strengthening physical health, enhancing parent-child interactions, building support networks, and accessing resources for ongoing support.
KEYWORDS:Paternal Parents, Developmental Disabilities, Parental Stress Scale, Parenting Challenges, Holistic Well-Being under Stress
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5) Urine-Morales, A. (2021). Paternal caregivers of children with developmental disabilities: Challenges and experiences. Journal of Family Studies, 17(3), 245-260
Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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