1Mariepet L. Asis,2Richard M. Oco
1,2Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-46Google Scholar Download Pdf
Teachers' job gratification is vital as it significantly affects their dedication, enthusiasm, and efficiency in the classroom. This study sought to ascertain the extent of teachers’ job gratification concerning job security, work environment, job responsibilities, and community linkages/attachments, the level of teachers’ service performance, and the significant relationship between the teachers’ job gratification and their service performance at work. The study was carried out in five (5) schools of Jasaan North District, Schools Division of Misamis Oriental. It employed a descriptive-correlational design along with documentary analysis. This study utilized an adapted and modified questionnaire given to the selected teachers (n=143) using the purposive sampling technique. The gathered data were analyzed and interpreted using various descriptive and inferential statistical methods, including frequency and percentage, mean and standard deviation, and the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. Results revealed that respondents have a very high level of job gratification, with Job Security having the highest mean and Community Linkage/Attachments got the lowest mean. Teachers demonstrated a very satisfactory level of service performance. A significant relationship was found between teachers' job gratification and their service performance. Thus, the higher job satisfaction among teachers the better their performance. Schools may continue to foster a supportive and collaborative work environment that boosts teachers' job satisfaction and enhances their performance, ultimately benefiting students and the broader school community.
KEYWORDS:Job Satisfaction, Teachers, Work Environment, Work Performance
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