1Mary Anne O. Taña,2Rosalinda C. Tantiado
1,2Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-45Google Scholar Download Pdf
Reading distractions is something to be eliminated to help pupils improve their comprehension to develop their reading confidence. This study aimed to determine the pupils’ level of reading distractions and confidence and its significant relationship. This employed a descriptive-correlational research design which utilized an adapted and modified questionnaire on reading distraction which included class environment factor, psychological factor and home and family factors to 235 Grade 5 pupils from North 1 District of Cagayan de Oro City Division through stratified random sampling using Slovin’s Formula. The study utilized descriptive statistics like Mean, Standard Deviation and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient for the significant relationship. Results showed that pupils’ overall reading is less distracted especially in class environment factor but most of the time distracted as to psychological and as to home and family factors. Also, pupils have reading confidence most of the time. Pupils’ reading distraction and reading confidence have moderate negative correlation. Thus, pupils’ reading confidence is not developed well when they are distracted. The more their reading is distracted, the lesser their reading confidence. The lesser their reading is distracted, the more their reading confidence increases. Teachers and family members may help promote a conducive place for reading, free from distractions to sustain the pupils’ reading confidence.
KEYWORDS:reading action plan, reading confidence, reading distractions
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