1Elsa May H. de Pedro,2Erlinda A. Quirap
1,2Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-44Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study evaluated the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Rice Extension Service Program (TESDA RESP) training program's effectiveness in enhancing agricultural competence among farm field student farmers. It examines the level of support provided by the program in terms of resources and training, explores its relationship with agricultural competence, and analyzes differences in program support and rice farmers’ competence across demographic profiles. Data was gathered via quantitative correlational research, assessing student farmers' demographic profile in terms of age, educational background years of farming experience, participation in other TESDA training programs; perception of training delivery support; and level of agricultural competence in rice farming. The study was focused on the province of Misamis Oriental and conducted among farm field schools and training institutions that are recipients of the scholarship program under RESP. Statistical analysis indicates that Resource and Training Support significantly influences the agricultural competence of the student farmer respondents. Demographic profiles, however, show that it does not statistically affect student farmer's level of competence upon having completed the training program in the Production of High-Quality Inbred Rice, Seed Certification, and Farm Mechanization. The findings suggest that the TESDA RESP program effectively enhances agricultural skills, hence advocating for its sustainability to foster skilled rice farmers and agricultural workforce in Misamis Oriental.
KEYWORDS:Extension Services Program, Resource, Training, Competence,
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