1Tayeba Hashemy,1Fatema Rezaei,2Rajeev Shrestha,1Sayed Mahdi Hashemy,3Yasuhiro Kotera,4Yudai Kaneda, 5Divya Bhandari,5,6Akihiko Ozaki,1Gholam Mohammad Amiri,1Sayed Hamid Mousavi
1Department of Health Economics, Afghanistan National Charity Organization for Special Diseases, Kabul, Afghanistan
2Department of Pharmacy, District Hospital Lamjung, Besisahar, Province Gandaki, Nepal
3School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
4School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
5Medical Governance Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
6Department of Breast Surgery, Jyoban Hosptial of Tokiwa Foundation, Fukushima, Japan
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-40Google Scholar Download Pdf
The shift of power to the Taliban had negatively affected the mental health of businesswomen due to the current restrictions on women. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the experience of mental health issues among businesswomen in Afghanistan after the Taliban came to power. We examined the mental health challenges they faced, what helped deal with them, and what might be helpful and effective in supporting the mental health of Afghan businesswomen in the future. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted from February 17, 2022, to February 29, 2022, with 14 businesswomen (Owner/CEO) based in Kabul, Herat, Mazar-e-Sharif, Kandahar, and Jalalabad. Data were analysed using thematic analysis appraising businesswomen's mental health experiences and coping strategies. Four themes were identified: Theme 1: Stress and anxiety, Theme 2: Restrictions as to the main source of stress and anxiety, Theme 3: Courage to work and religious beliefs as coping strategies to relieve their stress, and Them 4: Support and ease of restriction can be effective to businesswomen's mental health wellbeing. The study concluded that the mental health of businesswomen was affected as the Taliban took control of the government. Participants reported increased stress and anxiety levels, based mainly on restrictions imposed on women after the Taliban came to power. The most helpful coping strategy was self-motivation to continue their businesses. They also reported a need for financial and technical support. Our findings can help the government and organizations that support women and their economic activities to identify effective measures to support businesswomen in challenging times.
KEYWORDS:Afghanistan, Businesswomen, Mental health.
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