1Agung Cahyono,2Sakban Rosidi,3Susilo Bekti
1Student of postgraduate program Institute of Teachers Training And Education Budi Utomo, Malang, Indonesia.
2,3Institute of Teachers Training And Education Budi Utomo, Malang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-37Google Scholar Download Pdf
Psychological well-being is a psychological concept that refers to a state of happiness or satisfaction with one's life. The idea of happiness undergoes a more specific elaboration, which includes the temporal and spiritual realms from this trend in physical education, known as physical fitness and psychological well-being. Physical activity or sports activities can improve physical fitness and benefit psychological well-being. Each person's sports activities are sometimes different, which is called sports preference. On the other side, sports activities and their implementation require costs. This study aimed to determine the significance of the relationship between income, sports preferences, physical fitness, and psychological well-being of participants in the National Seminar on Physical Fitness and Psychological Well-being. This research method uses path analysis with 173 respondents participating in the National Seminar on Physical Fitness and Psychological Well-being. The data collection method uses observation using a questionnaire. The results showed a change in the initial hypothesis into a refined hypothesis. 1) Based on the initial hypothesis testing, there is a negative relationship between income and exercise preference 2) Based on the enhanced hypothesis testing, there is a relationship between the income level variable on physical fitness among participants of the National Seminar on Physical Fitness and Psychological Well-being 3) There is a relationship between the level of income and physical fitness with psychological well-being among the Participants in the National Seminar on Physical Fitness, and Psychological Well-being directly or indirectly.
KEYWORDS:Income, Sport Preference, Physical Fitness, Psychological well-being.
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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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