• editor@ijmra.in
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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

Relationship between Knowledge and Perception of Husband's Support for Pregnant Women at Risk of Preeclampsia and Preeclampsia
1Tiara Primanda Putri,2Ulty Desmarnita*,3Syafdewiyani
1,3Department of Nursing Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Jakarta III
2 Department of Nursing Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Jakarta I
*Corresponding author: Ulty Desmarnita,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-30

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Preeclampsia can cause complications for both mother and fetus and can cause death. In an effort to reduce the incidence of preeclampsia, health workers can motivate mothers by providing good health education related to the prevention of preeclampsia. The husband's participation in providing support or assistance can be beneficial for the mother's pregnancy. The objective to describe the relationship between knowledge and perception of husband's support for pregnant women at risk of preeclampsia and preeclampsia. Research Methods: Using quantitative research with analytic observational type with purposive sampling technique on 66 respondents. The study was conducted from February to May 2022 using a questionnaire on knowledge of pregnant women about preeclampsia and perceptions of husband's support. Data collection is done online via the googleform link. Data analysis using chi-square. The results of the bivariate test of knowledge of pregnant women at risk of preeclampsia and preeclampsia obtained p-value 0.885 > (0.05) and perceptions of husband's support for pregnant women at risk of preeclampsia and preeclampsia obtained p-value 0.300 > (0.05). There is no relationship between knowledge and perception of husband's support for pregnant women at risk of preeclampsia and preeclampsia. It is hoped that health workers can increase the information provided to pregnant women who are at risk of preeclampsia and preeclampsia, and motivate families, especially husbands, to support mothers during their pregnancy.


preeclampsia; knowledge; husband's support

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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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