1Sunarty Labadjo,2Irwan,3Chairunnisa J. Lamangantjo
1,2,3Department of Public Health, Postgraduate, Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo City
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-29Google Scholar Download Pdf
Progress big on the health of mothers and child achieved globally between 1990 and 2015 as a result of policy, and system reform in a way comprehensive and initiative programs implemented to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This research aims to analyze influencing factors inspection triple elimination in the mother pregnant in Gorontalo City. Analytical survey research method with design cross-sectional study. The population is all pregnant women who underwent examinations at the Dungingi Health Center, Gorontalo City, totaling 115 pregnant women. The withdrawal sample used Simple Random Sampling, total a sample of 89 people was calculated with the formula Slovin. Analysis done with linear regression test. The linear regression test obtained variable age and knowledge F count 17.812 and ρ value 0.000, R=0.541 and R Square = 0.293. Conclusions of this research, namely There is the influence of age, education, knowledge, attitudes, motivation, family support, and the role of health workers on triple elimination examinations for pregnant women at the Dungingi Health Center, Gorontalo City. Age and knowledge are the variables that have the most significant influence on triple elimination examinations for pregnant women at the Dungingi Community Health Center, Gorontalo City, amounting to 29.3%. Recommended to the Community Health Center For making triple elimination examinations an integral part of routine antenatal care, holding regular outreach and education programs, and ensuring that community health centers have facilities in the form of test equipment and materials and adequate medical personnel.
KEYWORDS:Age, Education, Knowledge, Attitude, Motivation, Family Support, Role of Health Workers, Triple Elimination, Pregnant Women.
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