1Leticia T. Villatima , 2Paula Mae V. Dua,3 Kristine T. Soberano, Ph.D
1MIT Graduate School Department, State University of Northern Negros, Philippines
2MIT Graduate School Department, State University of Northern Negros, Philippines
3MIT Department State University of Northern Negros, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-23Google Scholar Download Pdf
In healthcare, the distribution of PC’s running operation systems is the rapid growth in Information and communication Technology. The power of the internet has strongly impacted the business and service delivery model in today’s global economy. The android based: hospital billing statement with real time update and SMS notification system provide the benefits of streamlined operations, enhance administration, control and improve profitability of the billing section. In health insurance here in the Philippines like Philhealth, health maintenance organizations (HMO, like maxicare, Medicard, intellicare) and private insurance companies, that has become the norm of the Healthcare industry when it comes to billing management and patient information privacy. In this paper we present insight into the development process of a Google Android base. The system provides decision support for patient information, clinical laboratory, pharmacy, medical records section, room charges. I included doctor fee and nurse in the design process to use an interface based on establishing clinical workflow using real time prototypes.
KEYWORDS:SMS (short message service), HMO (health maintenance organization), hospital, insurance, real time notification
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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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