• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

Design and Development of a Package Delivery Robot
1David Etim Udoh, 2Dominic David Ekpo, 3Imo Edwin Nkan
1,2,3Akwa Ibom State University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-13

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This research focuses on the design and development of a package delivery robot, comprising an electronic housing and a storage unit. The robot is remotely controlled through a website, equipped with obstacle detection capabilities, and capable of unlocking the storage unit. However, movement is limited when the storage unit is installed on the electronic housing. The objective of this project was to build a package delivery robot that could operate in organised environments, such as universities and estates. The project commenced with extensive research on existing delivery robots, analysing their strengths and weaknesses. Based on this analysis, a set of design requirements was formulated, emphasising compact size, lightweight construction, and user-friendly operation. A custom control system was developed, enabling robot navigation, while sensors were integrated to facilitate obstacle avoidance and pedestrian safety. The first chassis of the robot was constructed using lightweight sheet metal, but turned out to be too heavy for the motors to drive, so the chassis was reconstructed using corrugated cardboard. To evaluate its performance, the robot underwent rigorous testing in a simulated urban environment. The robot has a speed of 0.5 m/s, and receives commands at a speed of 0.0068 nano seconds. It also consumes a power of 120 watts. While the robot demonstrated below-average performance in these aspects, limitations were identified, such as the inability to make left or right turns due to the shaft that connects the tyre and the motor being short. In conclusion, this research introduces a package delivery robot that has the potential to significantly enhance the customer delivery experience in urban environments. The robot represents progress in delivery system development and provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities within the field of mechatronics. The introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion framework used in this project offers a comprehensive understanding of the research and development process, the robot's performance, and its impact on the field.


Robot, Package, Delivery, obstacle detection, corrugated cardboard

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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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