1Dina Sofia, 2Bambang Wibisono, 3Asrumi Asrumi, 4Hairus Salikin, 5Agus Sariono
1,2,3,4,5Master of Linguistics Department, Faculty of Humanities, Jember University, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-11Google Scholar Download Pdf
A person's psychological condition affects the process of language production as a means of communication in expressing themselves. This qualitative descriptive research aims to describe netizens’s anti-upset speech due to heartbreak, love triangles, and love does not reach the comments of the Dialog Senja song entitled "Lara". The research data is an anti-upset speech contained in the comments written on the you tube channel of the band Dialog Senja on the song entitled "Lara", obtained by listening techniques. The research data were analyzed in an analytical descriptive manner according to the problems studied using a psycholinguistics approach. The results showed that anti-upset speech used by netizens to express anti-upset feelings was in the form of words, clauses, and sentences. Words used to express anti-upset feelings, for example, jangan, and ayo. Frasa is used to express anti-upset feelings, such as moving on. Clauses used to express anti-upset feelings, for example, Emang gue pikirin. As for the sentence used to express anti-upset feelings, for example, Dia memang bukan jodoh saya.
KEYWORDS:anti-upset, netizens, utterances, psycholinguistic, social media
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