• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

Calculation of the (I-V) Characteristics of Corona Discharge in an Asymmetrical Model from Active Electrodes to Passive Electrodes
1Asep Yoyo Wardaya, 2Zaenul Muhlisin, 3Isnain Gunadi
1,2,3Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i06-10

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This research discusses the comparison of the formulation of the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of symmetric and asymmetric direct current CCP equipment in the case of corona discharges in the air. The electrode configuration model taken for the symmetric CCP case is the coaxial cylinder and for the asymmetric CCP case is the plane-serrated knife. Both types of electrodes use a modified capacitance concept in the (I-V) characteristic calculations. This concept originates from a geometric approach solution (electrode sizes), where there is a corona electric current multiplier factor (corona current multiplication factor compared to conventional electric current) as well as the nature of the corona discharge which will collect at the sharp tip of the active electrode.


CCP, asymmetric electrode model, (I-V) characteristics, corona discharge, modified capacitance.

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Volume 07 Issue 06 June 2024

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