1Bagus Naufal Anindito, 2Helpris Estaswara, 3Mashadi Said
1,2,3Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Pancasila, Jakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i05-09Google Scholar Download Pdf
Smoking is prevalent in various places in Indonesia, even in designated non-smoking areas. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has implemented various measures to reduce the number of smokers, such as mandating the inclusion of graphic health warnings on cigarette packages. The purpose of this article is to determine the influence of visual communication of smoking hazard warnings on the attitudes of smoking students at Pancasila University. This article employs the concepts of visual communication and attitude. The concept of visual communication is broken down into three dimensions: identification, information, and presentation, while the concept of attitude is also broken down into three dimensions: cognitive, affective, and conative. The paradigm used is positivism with a quantitative approach. The unit of analysis is individuals who are active smoking students at Pancasila University. The data collection technique is accidental random sampling by distributing questionnaires via social media platforms such as Instagram, Line, and WhatsApp to 96 respondents. In this article, respondents agree with identification, information, and presentation, as well as cognitive and affective dimensions. However, they disagree with the conative dimension. The results show that visual communication of smoking hazard warnings influences attitudes, with an impact of 17.2%. This condition indicates that there are still many influences on smoking beyond those examined, such as peer influence, lifestyle, psychological factors, and others. Additionally, the visual communication on cigarette packaging is ineffective in raising awareness among smokers, indicating the need for other policies.
KEYWORDS:Smoking Hazard Warnings, Visual Communication, Attitude
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