1Acep Aripudin, 2Jujun Junaedi
1,2Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i05-08Google Scholar Download Pdf
Islam is a religion that contains doctrine and historical values that are visible in missionary activities. This practice cannot be separated from two aspects of Islam including the development of ideas and social change. Therefore, this research aims to ensure that the practice of da'wah also encourages the development of Islamic thought patterns in the Indonesian context. By searching the literature and sharp interpretation with a hermetic approach to Nurcholish Madjid's preaching thoughts which are scattered in several of his writings and lectures. The results can be seen in the da'wah themes presented as a response to social changes that continue to develop, such as human rights, moral violations, corruption, environmental degradation, religious conflict, politics, intolerance, discrimination, the importance of quality education, and gender equality challenges played by Muslim intellectuals. In addition, ethical values in Islamic doctrine are observed and reconceptualized to ward off moral and social violations, correlated with existing challenges as done by Cak Nur (Nurcholish Madjid). Providing responsive and contextual da'wah practices as carried out by intellectuals appears to be more substantive and targets the conceptual and operational problems of society. Therefore, the contribution of da'wah activities is clearly visible in the change and progress of society.
KEYWORDS:Substantive Da'wah, Islam Reconceptualization, Operationalization, Intellectualism, and Social Change.
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