Thu Nhung Nguyen
Institute of Geography, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
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Landscape has long been recognized as an invaluable resource for tourism development and the foundation for the sustainable development of an entire territory. However, in-depth research on landscape diversity for tourism development from the perspective of landscape science has not received much attention. Applying landscape analysis, field survey, and remote sensing methods, the study has shown diversity in the landscape formation components that determine the diversity of tourism types and products in the Central Highlands. Each landscape unit contains tourism resources, the vertical structure of the landscape unit represents the specificity and tourism potential, and the horizontal structure of the landscape represents the connection of tourism resources along the route. , landscape changes over time demonstrate seasonality in tourism. The landscape structure component is both an object resource for enjoyment and at the same time a place where the tourism process takes place. This is a solid basis for developing many types of tourism such as eco-tourism, cultural tourism, resort tourism, and adventure tourism... and creates the foundation for organizing tourist territories. sustainable history, exploiting and honoring indigenous cultural and historical values, protecting the environment, and ensuring the region's long-term development.
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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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