Christy U. Buquing
Burgos National High School, Burgos, Ilocos Sur
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This study aimed to formulate valid supplementary statistic learning materials for Grade 7 learners to improve their attainment of the most essential learning competencies in statistics. It examined the demographic profile of the respondents, level of attainment of the MELCs in statistics, mastered and least mastered competencies, and significant relationship between their profile and their attainment of the MELCs in statistics. Results revealed that the level of attainment of the MELCs in statistics for Grade 7 learners was Satisfactory. They showed less mastery on competencies involving posing problems, formulating simple statistical instruments, using appropriate graphs to represent organized data, calculating measures of variability, and drawing conclusions. The educational attainment of parents showed significant relationship with the attainment of the MELCs. The researcher recommends that parents must involve themselves in the learner’s education. Furthermore, supplementary learning activities can help poor performing students to help them improve their mathematical skills in statistics.
KEYWORDS:Supplementary Statistics Learning Materials, Most Essential Learning Competencies, achievement test, Least Mastered Competencies, level of attainment
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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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