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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

Development, Validation, and Effectiveness of Android-Based Learning Material in Statistics
Efren B. Cabotage
Narvacan National Central High School, Paratong, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, Philippines, 2704
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i05-59

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In this 21st century, students are more compelled towards the use of a mobile phone for every purpose. This study aimed to develop, validate, and test the effectiveness of an android-based learning material in Statistics. The technological profile, technology acceptance in terms of perceived use and perceived ease of use, relationship between the technological profile and technological acceptance, performance of respondents with or without the use, effectiveness, and validity of the android-based learning material were investigated in this study. The study utilized descriptive, developmental, and quasi-experimental research design. Two sections of Grade 10 were considered in the study; one section used the learning material, while the other section did not. Pre-test and post-test were conducted on the two groups. Data gathered were analyzed, tabulated, and presented using frequency count, percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired sample t-test, and simple correlational analysis. It was found out that all respondents have available gadgets; they “often” use technology and “advanced” in terms of technological skills; they strongly agree that the learning material is useful and easy to use; there is a positive relationship between the technology profile and the technology acceptance of the respondents; and the learning material was found to be effective and has very high validity. Hence, it is highly recommended to use the learning material in Statistics. Developing android-based learning material is recommended for other topics in mathematics, and students may be provided with other supplementary materials for greater retention.


Android-based learning material, technology profile, technology acceptance, perceived use, perceived ease of use

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