Russel D. Funtanilla
Narvacan National Central High School, Paratong, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, Philippines, 2704
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This study aimed to evaluate the utilization of Language Strategies in teaching Grade 10 Mathematics at Narvacan National Central High School during the 4th quarter of the SY 2022-2023. Specifically, it focused on the profile of the students, their level of performance in language strategies, and their mathematics performance. It further determined the relationship between the students’ profile and the level of performance in language strategies, the students’ profile and their level of participation, the students’ performance in language strategies and their mathematics performance, and the problem encountered by the teachers in teaching mathematics using language strategies. This study used a quantitative research approach employing the correlational research design. The research design is a combined description, evaluative and correlational design. This study made use of a questionnaire consisting of two parts, the performance of the students when using language strategies and the 4th quarter grades of the learners in Mathematics. Hence, it is recommended students will participate in every activity or discussion related to the different language strategies. The performance of the students may be improved by sustaining the utilization of Language Strategies in Teaching Mathematics. Teachers and school heads are encouraged to innovate programs or activities that address issues related to low comprehension and low retention of students.
KEYWORDS:Teaching of Mathematics, Language Strategies, Student Performance
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