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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

The Case of Probationary Teachers in Teaching Senior High School Students
Glenn Mar D. Degracia
Graduate School, Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i05-53

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One of the challenges that new teachers face in the Philippines is the probationary period. Probationary teachers are those who are newly hired and are subject to a probationary period of usually one to two years. During this time, they are expected to demonstrate their competence and effectiveness as teachers, and their performance is closely monitored by school administrators. This study strived to determine the experiences of Probationary Teacher in teaching senior high school students, how they overcome their obstacles and their coping mechanisms. This qualitative study employed case study research to determine experiences of Probationary Teacher in teaching senior high school students, how they overcome their challenges and their coping mechanisms, involving ten Probationary senior high school teachers of the Schools Division of Ilocos Sur who participated voluntarily. The data was gathered through each informant’s voice-recorded narrative and analyzed thematically. Findings showed that Probationary teachers experienced most with Academic and Behavioral Dynamics, Age-related challenges in handling behavior, Student attitudes and lack of respect, Challenges in adjusting to higher-order thinking skills, Sensitivity to student feelings and compliance issues, Transition and Adjustment Period of adjustment from elementary to SHS teaching, Challenges in adapting teaching methods from elementary to SHS, Emotional challenges and feelings of uncertainty, Pedagogical Challenges - Teaching loads and complexities of SHS curriculum, Perception of spoon feeding and need for adaptation in lesson delivery, Challenges in delivering unfamiliar subjects or lessons, Student attitudes towards learning and compliance, Disruption caused by students' lack of focus and disrespect, Student reliance on gadgets and games for engagement. Despite the experiences encountered by these Probationary teachers, they describe how the overcome the obstacles in teaching senior high school learners by Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Environment, Engaging Teaching Methods, Engaging Teaching Methods, Effective Classroom Management, Adapting Instruction to Individual Needs, Utilizing Technology and Trends, Continuous Assessment and Feedback, they also describe their coping mechanisms as Challenges in Teaching Senior High School Learners, Maintaining Professionalism and Positivity., Stress Management and Self-care, Passion for Teaching and Professional Development, Emotional Regulation and Self-Reflection Probationary teachers’ resiliency and determination is evident during these difficulties. Hence, administrators are encouraged to provide adequate support for Probationary teachers to keep their effectiveness in teaching senior high school learners.


Challenges, Coping Mechanisms, Probationary Teachers, Senior High School Students

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