• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

Multifunctional Nanocomposites in B4C-Tic-Tib2-Sic-BN-Al2O3-Sialon-C Carbon Fiber System for Armor Fillets, Turbine Discs and Wings, High-Temperature Wear Resistant Nodes
1Z. Kovziridze, 2N.Nijaradze, 3G. Tabatadze, 4T. Cheishvili, 5N. Darakhvelidze
1,2,3,4,5Georgian Technical University, Institute of Bionanoceramics and Nanocomposite Technology, Bionanoceramics and Nanocompo-site Materials Science Center, Georgia, 0175, Tbilisi, Kostava Str. 69
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i05-51

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Goal - to receive on first stage β - SIALON containing nanocomposites by reactive sintering method at 14000C, with nitrogen pro-cess from origin composition in TiC-BN-SiC-B4C-Si-Al-Al2O3 (nanopowder) system. By using this method of synthesis, it became possible to receive nanocomposites with different percentages of β - SIALON. Our task was to study the phase composition of re-ceived consolidated materials in the TiC-TiB2-BN-SiC-B4C-β-SiAlON-Al2O3 (nanopowder-400nm.) system.
Method. The obtained mass was grounded in an attritor and the consolidated composite was obtained by hot pressing at 16200C during 40 minutes, with glass perlite (Armenia) dope 2 mass%, delaying at final temperature for 8 min, under 30 MPa pressure and vacuum – 10-3 Pa. Perlite from Aragatc contained 96 mas. % glass.
To study the phase composition of the composites, we conducted an X-ray structural analysis on the DRON-3 device. And to study the microstructure, we conducted research on an optical microscope -AC100 and a raster electron microscope “Nanolab 7” of the company "OPTON”. The values of the electrical parameters of the studied composites were calculated on the basis of the ob-tained "lgp- t" dependence. We have studied mechanical properties.
Result. In TiC-TiB2-BN-SiC-B4C- β-SiAlON-Al2O3 – C Carbon Fiber system we obtained nanocomposites with high mechanical proper-ties. The advantage of this method is that compounds, which are newly formed thanks to interaction going on at thermal treat-ment: Si3N4, Si, AlN are active, which contributes to β-SiALON formation at relatively low temperature, at 1300-13500C. It is evi-dent that inculcation of ALN in crystal skeleton of ß-Si3N4 is easier since at this temperature interval crystal skeleton of Si3N4 is still in the process of formation. ß-SiAlON was formed at 14500C. Part of boron carbide was transformed into boron nitride in ni-trogen environment and in titanium diboride, which in the case of both composites is in small quantities.
Conclusion. The phase composition of the obtained composite provides high physical-technical and performance properties of these nanocomposites. Compression strength-2198 MPa, Bending strength-271 MPa, Thermal expansion coefficient a20-700-3.8 10-6 0C.


nanocomposite; hot press; electron microscope; phase composition; B4C-BN-TiC-TiB2-SiC-β-SIALON-Al2O3 nano-powder system.

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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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