1Andi Pangeran, 2Iqbal Afra, 3Tito Peter Lenando, 4Dr. Ir. Tri Ngudi Wiyatno, M.T.,IPU (lecturer)
1,2,3,4universitas Pelita Bangsa Fakultas Ekonomi And Bisnismagister Manajemen Ekonomi Bekasi
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i05-49Google Scholar Download Pdf
Operational management is very important for all types of industries, one of which is manufacturing. Manufacturing companies are concerned with production processes on a large scale that use equipment and machinery to manage raw materials into finished goods. PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo Tbk “SARI ROTI "is one of the leading bread manufacturing companies in Indonesia. This Journal discusses how SARI ROTI applies operations management concepts to achieve competitive advantage and meet growing market demand. Based on these objectives, researchers use qualitative research with qualitative analysis methods in which research is conducted by analyzing data using theoretical foundations as the basis of analysis. The data analyzed is secondary data, which is data that comes from existing sources and is not self-processed data The results showed that this company is a company that successfully runs the overall operations management concept, so that the company is able to produce quality products and ensure the cleanliness of all its products, as well as efficient in terms of the production process and distribution of products produced with a wide marketing area coverage.
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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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