1Dede Roni, 2Atika Dwi Arsanti, 3Elaeys Mulia Bulqis, 4Revryand Alfaridzi, 5Tri Ngudi Wiyatno
1,2,3,4,5Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering Pelita Bangsa University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i05-43Google Scholar Download Pdf
PT. Yili Indonesia Diary is a manufacturing company that produces ice cream under the Joyday brand. The problem that occurs is that there are packaging defects resulting from the packaging machine, namely Multiline Wrapping. Maintenance management is interpreted as an appropriate strategy to manage when maintenance must be carried out on machines. Therefore, the production process in the factory will not be hampered as long as the machine runs smoothly. Preventative maintenance needs to be carried out as the first step so that the machine is always ready to use and can avoid significant damage. The aim of this research is to analyze the implementation of preventive maintenance management on Multiline Wrapping machines. Qualitative research methods were adopted in this research and data were collected through observation, documentation and literature study. The research results explain that the machine maintenance strategy, especially for Multiline Wrapping machines at PT Yili Indonesia Diary, includes, among other things, Preventive Maintenance, Machine Repair, Replacement, and Opportunity Maintenance. Machine maintenance is very important because it can speed up the production process.
KEYWORDS:Maintenance Management, Preventive Maintenance, Smooth Production Process
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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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