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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

Evaluation of Achievement Development Management of Bhayangkara Precision Football Club
1Muhammad Adam Fatihurrahman, 2Duwi Kurnianto Pambudi, 3Enggista Hendriko Delano
1,2,3Department of Sports Science, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, Yogyakarta State University.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i05-33

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Evaluation of Bhayangkara Presisi Football Club Achievement Development Management. Thesis. Yogyakarta: Masters Program, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, 2024. The aim of this research is to find out the evaluation of the Bhayangkara Presisi Football Club's achievement development program, examining it from the context, input, Process and Product (CIPP) aspects as well as finding out whether the achievement development program that has been running at the Bhayangkara Presisi Football Club has been managed optimally. This research is a type of quantitative and qualitative research with the CIPP evaluation model. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique to obtain a sample of three program administrators, three coaches and six players. Evaluation uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data collection uses research instruments in the form of observation, questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The results of the research, namely, Context evaluation of Bhayangkara Presisi FC's achievement coaching management, amounted to 2.91, which is in the good category. Based on the background indicators of the coaching program, it is 3.09 in the good category, the coaching program objectives are 2.60 in the good category, and the coaching program is 3.03 in the good category. The evaluation input for Bhayangkara Presisi FC's achievement coaching management, amounting to 2.75, is in the good category. Based on the human resources indicator, it is 3.07 in the good category, the trainer program is 3.05 in the good category, funding is 2.66 in the good category, facilities and infrastructure is 2.66 in the good category, and parental support is 2.29 in the poor category. Bhayangkara Presisi FC's achievement management evaluation process, amounting to 2.83, is in the good category. Based on the program implementation indicator, it is 3.06 in the good category, and coordination is 2.83 in the good category. Bhayangkara Presisi FC's performance management management evaluation product, amounting to 3.27, is in the good category. Based on the achievement indicator of 3.33 in the good category and welfare of 3.20 in the good category.


Evaluation, Achievement Development Program, Bhayangkara Presisi FC

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