1Lekshmi Chithra R, 2Dr Prakash Pillai R
1Research Scholar, Department of Personnel Management, Loyola College of Social Sciences, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
2Assistant Professor, Department of Personnel Management, Loyola College of Social Sciences, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i05-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
Performance management enables measurement, identification, prediction and retention of resources which are critical to the success of the organization. Literature shows that traditional performance management systems suffer from subjectivity, lack of continuity and ineffective use of data. Application of analytics in performance management function is one variation which has been receiving increased interest in the recent years due to this. This paper explores the integration of HR Analytics (HRA) in performance management function. The study relies on bibliometric analysis to understand the publication pattern, dominating themes and upcoming research trends in this area. Bibliometric data from SCOPUS database is subjected to analysis using VOSviewer. Findings reveal an increase in research activity in this area over the years. Application of analytics in performance management, employee engagement, evaluating training needs and predicting attrition are observed to be the significant topics in the recent years.
KEYWORDS:HR Analytics; HRA; performance management; bibliometrics.
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