1Merdi Hajiji, 2Lisdawati Wahjudin
1,2Faculty of Social Science and Political Science Langlangbuana University, Bandung, West Java
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i05-22Google Scholar Download Pdf
Community participation in the formation of local regulations is very important, because local regulations that are formed must be in accordance with the wishes and needs of the community. Implementation of community participation in the formation of local regulations will determine the quality, have an impact on the local regulations that are formed. However, community participation in the city of Bandung in the formation of local regulations is lacking. The problems raised by the author are: (1) how is the basis for the implementation of the formation of local regulations in the city of Bandung number 2 of 2013 concerning social institutions 2) how the implementation of public participation in the formation of local regulations in the city of Bandung, 3) how the process of forming a participatory and responsive local regulations in Bandung. The purpose of this study is to find out, study and analyze regarding: (1) the basis of the implementation of the formation of local regulations in Bandung City number 2 of 2013 concerning social institutions, (2) implementation of community participation in the formation of local regulations in the city of Bandung, and (3) the process the formation of participatory and responsive local regulations in the city of Bandung. This study uses a sociological juridical approach, with descriptive research specification analysis. The data used in this study are primary and secondary data, obtained through interviews and literature studies, which are then analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that: (1) community participation in the formation of local regulations can improve the quality of local regulations because the community is the object of the local regulations and the people who run the local regulations. Community participation produces input to improve the quality of decisions, and the implementation of local regulations will run more optimally; (2) The process of forming local regulations in Bandung is less participatory and not responsive, so that the resulting decisions are not yet of quality and not in accordance with the needs and expectations of the community, other than that it can not be minimized public turmoil or dissatisfaction and in the end the implementation of regional regulations is not running properly; and (3) the causes of the lack of quality community participation in the formation of local regulations in the city of Bandung are: (a) lack of understanding of the community in the process of establishing local regulations, (b) lack of decisive efforts from local governments in capturing the aspirations of the community, (c) the regulations are not made based on the interests of the community and the socialization of local regulations have not been maximized, and (d) the community is less involved. The solutions needed include: (a) a commitment from the law makers in the regions to involve the community in any discussion of the Peraturan Daerah, (b) a clear and transparent socialization and enforcement of the Peraturan Daerah is needed, (c) a more accurate study of the problems faced community, and (d) involving all elements of society. Keywords: Community Participation and Responsive Local Regulations
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