Namakau Kakanda-Sinkala
University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
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The context of the research study needs to determine the data recording method to be used in order to ensure that no harm is done to the participants. In-depth individual Interviews (IDIs) is one of the main data collecting strategy used in qualitative research on sensitive topics such as teenage pregnancy. Audio recording in capturing data during IDIs is a common practice. However, audio recording of IDIs should be done in the context of informed consent. The objective of this paper is to elaborate on how note-taking was used to capture data within the context of informed consent. The research design was multiple cohort Case studies involving Chongwe district plus national stakeholders of the Pregnancy Re-entry policy in Zambia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with hundred (100) participants from different cohorts of stakeholders using note-taking to capture the data. Ninety percent (90%) of the interviews involved physical note-taking with 10 % being electronic notes. The results are that note-taking increased the interview time but it afforded the interviewer the opportunity to probe further as the data was being collected. The major disadvantage with note –taking is that it reduces the pace of data collection as time has to be dedicated to consolidating the notes and memory recall of information shared. The conclusion drawn is that upholding informed consent in research is key, therefore the capturing of data during IDIs should be guided by what best upholds the rights of the participants. Therefore, note-taking offers an alternative to audio recording.
KEYWORDS:research ethics, in-depth individual interviews, audio recording, note-taking,
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Volume 07 Issue 05 May 2024

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