1Aini Aziza, 2Kiromim Baroroh
1,2Faculty of Economics and Business, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i05-12Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aims to (1) produce social studies learning media based on google sites to improve critical thinking skills of junior high school students grade VIII (2) determine the feasibility level of social studies learning media based on google sites to improve critical thinking skills of junior high school students grade VIII (3) determine the level of practicality of social studies learning media based on google sites to improve critical thinking skills of junior high school students grade VIII (4) determine the effectiveness of social studies learning media based on google sites to improve critical thinking skills of junior high school students grade VIII. This development research uses the ADDIE development model which stands for the stages of development, namely: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The subjects of this study were SMPN 5 Banjit students totaling 60 divided into 2 groups, namely the experimental group and the control group. In this study, data were obtained using test and non-test techniques. The test technique was used to obtain data on the effectiveness of the product which was carried out using a student critical thinking ability test instrument. While the non-test technique was used to collect data on the validity and practicality of the product which was carried out using product validation sheets, material validation sheets, teacher assessment sheets, and student assessment sheets. The results of this study indicate that the socialexplore website has very high feasibility. The results of material expert validation amounted to 3.79 with a decent category. The results of media validation amounted to 4.44 with a very feasible category. Teacher validation results of 4.40 with a very practical category. The results of user validation amounted to 4.31 with a very practical category. The results also show that the socialexplore website is effective and can help students to improve students' critical thinking skills on the material of the diversity of Indonesian society. The results of the experimental class critical thinking ability test were higher than the control class with an average value of 69.43 and the control class average value of 47.93. The Gain test results of the experimental class at SMPN 5 Banjit amounted to 0.68 with a moderate category.
KEYWORDS:critical thinking, google sites, ADDIE model
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