1Bayu Setyawan, 2Hedi Ardiyanto Hermawan
1,2Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No.1, Karang Malang, DI Yogyakarta, 55283, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i04-07Google Scholar Download Pdf
This development research aims to develop a modified model of handball games to improve discipline and cooperation of students. With this development research, it is hoped that it can become one of the references for sports physical education and health teachers in providing handball game material in learning at school. This development research uses the ADDIE development model, consisting of the Analysis (analysis), Design (planning), Develop (Development) Implement (Implementation), Evaluate (evaluation) stages. The subject of this research is a high school in Sleman district. The quality assessment of the Baboi Game Handbook developed was carried out by 1 handball game expert, 1 PJOK learning material expert, 1 media expert, and 1 field practitioner PJOK teacher who is a civil servant and certified educator. Field trials were carried out on a small scale and large scale. Small-scale trials were conducted at SMAN 1 Cangkringan, then large-scale trials were conducted at 3 schools, namely SMAN 1 Sleman, SMAN 2 Sleman and SMAN 2 Ngaglik. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire. Data analysis to determine the effectiveness of the game was carried out by t test, on the results of pretest and posttest. The result of the research is the baboi game guidebook. The baboi guidebook was tested on material experts, handball game experts, media experts and field practitioners. The results of the game expert validation get a percentage of 93%, which means very feasible. Furthermore, validation from media experts gets a percentage of 64% which means feasible and validation of sports physical education and health teacher field practitioners gets a percentage of 83% which means very feasible. Thus the baboi guidebook product that has been prepared is declared feasible for use in physical education learning at school. The results of the effectiveness test carried out obtained a percentage of 33.94% effect on students. The advice given is the addition of strategies to win the game and accompanied by pictures of techniques performed to make it more interesting and facilitate the understanding of readers.
KEYWORDS:Book, Handball, Game Modification, Physical Education
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