1Manisha Singh, 2Farozan
1Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya University, Gorakhpur
2Guest Faculty, Department of Commerce, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya University, Gorakhpur
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i04-38Google Scholar Download Pdf
Investment is pivotal for the wealth creation of the investors and is equally relevant for the growth and development of the nation. The rapid advancement in financial technology (FinTech) has innovated and updated every sector of the economy, and the evolution of trading applications (apps) perfectly illustrates such advancement. The rapid development, attractive profit ratios, and the huge popularity of trading applications demonstrated the efficiency of the fintech’s emergence and growth. Investment trading apps are a platform that provides a click solution to the investor to undertake the investment, organize their portfolio, track its status, and fetch an attractive return. Trading applications receive greater acceptance because of their incredible advantages, such as being a source for easy, quick, hassle-free, round-the-clock access and investment advice with the facility of recent market updates. It acts as a medium for channeling the fund toward different investment options and facilitating capital formation, which is essential for transforming the status of a country from a developing one to a developed one. The study is survey-based research. The study's sample size is 153 respondents. Data collected from the investors through the questionnaire are presented through descriptive statistics, and a chi-square test is applied to the study with the help of the software SPSS. The paper tries to thoroughly understand the status and significance of trading applications and how they differ from the traditional way of investment. It also attempts to analyze the impact of these applications on the investors' investment decisions.
KEYWORDS:Investment, Trading applications, FinTech, Risk and return, Technology.
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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

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