1Abdul Malik, 2Sri Wahyulina, 3Armi Sulthon Fauzi
1,2University Of Mataram
3STAHN Mataram
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i04-37Google Scholar Download Pdf
The study is conducted in conjunction with the activity of MSIB (a certified independent study apprentice) in the PT. Telkom Akses Kota Bima. The purpose of the study is to find out and analyze the relationship between reward and punishment for employee performance, both individually and simultaneously. The study uses a quantitative method. The subject of this study is PT. Telkom Akses Kota Bima employees with samples of as many as 32 employees who are willing to participate in the study. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The selected analysis model is a linear regression with version 23 of IBM SPSS. Research results indicate that reward has a positive effect on an employee's performance. Whereas punishment doesn't affect employee performance. Reward and punishment together have a positive effect on employee performance. This suggests that the combination of the two strategies is optimal. Reward can provide positive reinforcement and motivation, while punishment can serve as a deterrent to behaviors that would harm the company.
KEYWORDS:Reward, Punishment, Employee Performance
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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

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