1Jonie Queenie C. Pitas, 2Martina A. Brobo
1,2Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i04-32Google Scholar Download Pdf
With the escalating complexities of the lives of students and teachers, leaders need to come up with a better strategy to handle pressing issues to respond proactively to the constantly changing conditions in the educational situation. This study was undertaken to determine the extent of resilient leadership style of school heads in terms of crisis management, care for teachers and organizational capacity. Likewise, this study also determined the teachers’ resiliency level in terms of determination, interaction, relationship, and problem-solving. The study employed a descriptive correlational and causal research design which included a quantitative approach to collecting numerical data through an adapted and modified questionnaire from Tuscano (2020 and Yorge (2019). Mean, standard deviation, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient or Pearson (r), and linear regression were also used. The respondents were the teachers in Jasaan South District in the Division of Misamis Oriental who were selected through a stratified random sampling procedure, Slovin’s Formula. Results revealed that the overall resilient leadership by the school heads was at a Very High Level while the teachers’ resiliency was at a High Level of Resiliency. Care for teachers showed significant impact on the teachers’ resiliency level. Thus, the school heads have to consider providing additional programs and initiatives on the care for teachers and organizational capacity building as these have an impact their resilient leadership style as well as the teachers’ resiliency level.
KEYWORDS:Care for Teachers, Resilient Leadership, Teachers’ Resiliency
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