1Ni Made Budi Susilawati, 2Mokhamad Natsir, 3Harianto Respati
1Student of Postgraduate Magister Management, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
2,3Postgraduate program, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i04-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
Companies need to pay attention to the high consumption of consumers or customers to be more innovative to meet customer needs and desires with quality products or services created for the long term so that customers will retain and feel satisfied in meeting their needs, which can generate customer loyalty. Factors such as product quality, brand image, and customer satisfaction influence customer loyalty. This study aims to analyse the effect of product quality and brand image on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction in South Denpasar. This quantitative research obtained a sample of 100 respondents with a purposive sampling method. The data analysis techniques used are descriptive analysis, classic assumption test, t-test, and path analysis. The research results show that product quality and brand image can influence customer loyalty for Bebelac products in the South Denpasar District. Product quality and brand image can influence customer satisfaction with Bebelac products in South Denpasar District. The research results show the influence of product loyalty on Bebelac customer satisfaction in the South Denpasar District. Research results show product quality brand image can influence customer loyalty through customer satisfaction with Bebelac products in the District of South Denpasar.
KEYWORDS:Product Quality, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Denpasar
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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

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