• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

GIS-Based Business Permit Monitoring with SMS Notification
1Marlon M. Pacquiao, 2Dr. Kristine T. Soberano
1,2Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i04-24

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Nowadays, processing a business license undergo a lot of situations to be done. It takes a lot of time, effort and patience for able to acquire the needs of a particular. There are a lot of transactions and requirements to comply before having what you need. In Addition, dealing a lot of customers in an office that can cause overcrowded and noise disturbance. Also, one of the factor for processing a business license is a period of human adulthood, Senior citizen are in need of assistance by their relatives for filing their personal data and business information. Although there are a priority lane for them but still it can cause delay for others. Therefore, in order to gather business license in a fastest and easy way, developing a research study for the areas around Sagay City, Negros Occidental: Geographic Information System (GIS)-Based Business Permit Monitoring with SMS Notification. Its main purpose is to process big enterprise permits in easy and fastest way and also renew permits that is already expired through online using internet and mobile phones, laptop and PCs. Through the use of Business Permit Monitoring it helps the staff of Sagay City Licensing Deparment (SCLD) to track Personal records and Business records of every individual who is already registered. Also, through the use of GIS it helps the staff and users to identify the location of every businesses and find which one is already expired by the use of color-marker. For SMS Notification, its task is to send notification to businesses that is already expired.


GIS, Business Permit, Monitoring, SMS Notification

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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

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