1Salsabila Ratu Khaerunnisa, 2Helpris Estaswara, 3Mashadi Said
1,2,3Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Pancasila, Jakarta
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i04-20Google Scholar Download Pdf
Reality shows serve as entertainment platforms for society, conveying implicit messages and portrayals that influence how audiences perceive and follow what is presented. Audiences utilize Instagram and YouTube as mediums to engage with the frequency, attention, duration, and appreciation of the reality show "Indonesia’s Next Top Model." Instagram, in particular, serves as an interactive tool through which viewers express comments and appreciation for the show. This study aims to investigate whether there is an influence of reality show content on the perception of female beauty, focusing on the viewers of "Indonesia’s Next Top Model" among the followers of Instagram account @intm_nettv. The research employs a quantitative method with an explanatory research design. The unit of analysis comprises individuals who are followers of the Instagram account @intm_nettv. Data collection is conducted using probability sampling, obtaining a sample of 100 respondents who watch "Indonesia’s Next Top Model." The findings reveal a small influence of 8.2% of the reality show on the perception of female beauty among the followers of Instagram account @intm_nettv. This minimal impact is attributed to the followers' ability to distinguish between the beauty of models and that of other women. Various factors can affect the perception of female beauty, particularly reality show content as entertainment for its audience. Therefore, future research is encouraged to further explore the concept of reality show content and its influence on the perception of female beauty.
KEYWORDS:reality show, perception, beauty, indonesia's next top model
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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

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