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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

The Interplay of Motivation, Skills, and Promotions: A Bootstrapped Analysis of MBA Graduates through the Lens of Intelligent Career Theory
1Vicente Montano, 2Clyde Abner Valdez
1Business Cluster, Professional School, University of Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines
2College of Business Administration Education, University of Mindanao
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i04-19

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This tracer study investigates the relationship between the reasons for enrolling in an MBA program (Know-Why), competencies learned during the program (Know-How), and subsequent career promotions (Know-Who) among MBA graduates, guided by the Intelligent Career Theory Framework. The data the respondents furnished is bootstrapped, and the Phi coefficient revealed a statistically significant positive correlation between motivation to enroll and reported acquisition of relevant competencies (Φ = 0.620), supporting the ICTF motion that clear career goals (Knowing-Why) lead to a more strategic approach to learning (Knowing-How) within the MBA program. However, the link between competencies and promotion after graduation (Φ = 0.451) was weaker and not definitively significant. This conveys that while skills gained through the MBA are valuable (Knowing-How), promotions likely depend on a broader range of factors potentially encompassed by the “Knowing-Whom” aspect of ICTF, such as networking and relationships. These findings highlight the importance of motivation and skill development for MBA graduates while acknowledging the complex interplay of factors influencing career advancement. Recommendations are offered to enhance career development outcomes and inform future research.


Intelligent Career Theory Framework, Bootstrapping, Phi Coefficient, MBA Graduates

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