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Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

Grandparenting and the Mental Well-being of Selected Filipino Grandparents
1Fatima Angelyna J. Garcia, 2Marison Felicidad R. Dy
1,2Department of Human and Family Development Studies College of Human Ecology University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i04-18

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This study determined the impact of caring for grandchildren on the mental well-being of elderly grandparents. Specifically, it determined the length of grandparenting, number and ages of grandchildren living with them, influential grandparenting experiences, level of mental well-being, and impact of the grandparenting role to the mental well-being of the grandparents. Respondents were 96 Filipino senior citizens residing in Calamba City, Laguna. An interview schedule was utilized for data gathering. Results showed a weak relationship between age of grandchildren (p = 0.284; p > 0.05) and number of grandchildren (p =0.780; p > 0.05) with the level of mental well-being. The length of grandparenting (p = 0.011; p < 0.05) had a significant effect on the level of mental well-being of the grandparents. Regression analysis showed that those who became grandparents at the age of 46-55 are more likely to have mental well-being scores five times lower than those who do not belong to this age category. Grandparenting may become stressful due to the added responsibility of childcare. However, grandparenting is considered a fulfilling responsibility and gives a rewarding feeling. In totality, grandparenting positively heightens mental well-being.


Filipino grandparents, grandparenting, grandchildren, grandparenting experiences, mental well-being

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