1Saman Ali Ehsan, 2Dr. Farooq Abbas Nooraldeen
1Northern technical university , Kirkuk technical institute ,department of survey techniques & Kirkuk , 36000
2Northern technical university , Kirkuk technical institute ,department of electrical techniques & Kirkuk , 36000
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i04-16Google Scholar Download Pdf
Islamic law has prioritized addressing women's issues, particularly societal issues, which are crucial as women are the core of society and comprise half of it. Women are not only wives but also mothers, sisters, and daughters, playing a significant role in society. It is essential that they are not left uninformed about their affairs, given the equal importance of their male counterparts. Islamic law emerged to provide clear guidance on its significance and its impact on humanity, society, culture, and the economy. The first portion examines the inherent and acquired traits of women, as well as their capacity to navigate social and economic circumstances. This includes their resilience in marriage and business, as well as the inherent and acquired advantages that males possess over them. The second issue pertains to the ethical principles and compassion that are relevant in many aspects of society. This discussion covers several aspects of rights, such as human rights, equality, civil rights and their classifications, as well as women's employment and education. The third subject of discussion is to the position of women in religious laws and ancient societies. The research technique included a series of definitive findings and deductions that we arrived at via a comprehensive examination and thorough understanding of the subject matter from all angles.
KEYWORDS:ethical principles, ancient societies, navigate social, economic circumstances.
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