• editor@ijmra.in
  • ISSN[Online] : 2643-9875  ||  ISSN[Print] : 2643-9840

Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2024

Sustainable Human Resources Development in Listed Agro-Industrial Companies: A Pandemic Phenomenon
1Regina Niken Wilantari, 2Bayu Aprillianto, 3Markus Apriono, 4Isti Fadah
1,2,3,4University of Jember
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i04-01

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Pandemic COVID-19 had massive impact on global economics including agro-industrial companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Those companies faced financial distress. Trying to maintain their profit generating or loss in financial performance. However, the demand from stakeholders to implement sustainability still existed regarding investment on human resources. This study aimed to analyse the sustainable human resources development practices in listed agro-industrial companies by identifying and mapping the vision and mission, the implementation of human resource development, and financial commitments issued by Indonesian agro-industrial companies in developing human resources specifically for a pandemic phenomenon. This study used qualitative method by employing exploration approach and document analysis on sustainability report. The result showed that the Indonesian agro-industrial companies still showed the commitment on sustainable human resources development which reflected on their sustainable vision and mission. Those companies still showed the sustainable human resource development in 2020 by conducting training and certification as an investment for prospective opportunity in global competitive business. The financial commitment reflected in cost allocation for those needs. COVID-19 had impact for financial performance indeed. However, financial instability had not been an obstacle for those companies to develop their human resources. COVID-19 needed digital technology adaptation and employee needed to be trained and certified. Future


Agroindustry, Financial Commitment, Human Resources Development, Pandemic, Sustainability

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