1Rev. Seoung-Mook Rheem, 2Dr. Jun-Ki Chung
1,2Institute for Pietatis Theologia, Gwangshin University, 36 Yangsantaekjiso-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju City, South Korea.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i03-61Google Scholar Download Pdf
In the 4th century, Christianity was officially acknowledged as the state religion of the Roman Empire, and it started to gain prominence worldwide without facing persecution. However, some individuals believed that this newfound religious glory contradicted the teachings of Christ. As a result, they willingly embraced asceticism and withdrew to deserts like Egypt to lead a devout and spiritual existence. The individuals in question are commonly referred to as the Desert Fathers. They sustained themselves by toiling under the scorching heat during the day and enduring the frigid desert temperatures in the early morning and at night. They devoted their time to reciting the Bible and tending to the well-being of their fellow monks, who resided in solitary huts nearby. In doing so, they fostered a sense of spirituality in their desert community. This paper aims to analyze the spirituality of the Desert Fathers and apply the valuable insights it offers to contemporary life. By dividing it into the facets of fruitfulness, humility, obedience, love, forgiveness, humor, poverty, solitude, and community, their spirituality can be better understood. This study will only analyze the first four areas, while the remaining five areas will be addressed in a future paper.
KEYWORDS:Desert Fathers, fruit, humility, obedience, spirituality
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Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024

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