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Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024

Students’ Motivation and Academic Performance in Technology and Livelihood Education
1Amy A. Casiño, 2Rosalinda C. Tantiado
1,2Southern de Oro Philippines College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i03-59

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Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) is a fundamental subject area in Junior High School that aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop technical skills. This study aimed to determine the level of students’ motivation and academic performance in TLE-Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services subject and to find the significant relationship between the students’ motivation and academic performance while taking the subject. The study employed descriptive-correlational research with content analysis. It utilized an adapted and modified survey questionnaire from Dimaunahan et al. (2021), and students’ final rating in TLE-Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services subject as instruments of this study from Grade 10 students who had been previously enrolled in Grade-9 TLE-Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services during School Year 2022-2023 from the four identified schools in Cagayan De Oro City through a purposive universal sampling procedure. Findings revealed that the respondents agreed that they are highly motivated to take TLE- Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services subject that led them to achieve Outstanding academic performance. The variables in motivation such as subject matter, self-efficacy, and self-sufficiency have significant relationships with academic performance except family dynamics. Thus, students take the TLE- Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services subject because they are motivated. Strengthening the integration of the affective targets of learning the subject's basic, common, and core competencies, and the teacher’s upskilling for continued professional development is recommended.


Academic Performance, Pupils, Students’ Motivation, Technical Skills

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