1Kanina Malik, 1Diswandi Diswandi
1Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram, Indonesia
Corresponding Auhtor : Kanina Malik
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijmra/v7-i03-54Google Scholar Download Pdf
The development of Sunrise Land Beach in Lombok holds significant potential for bolstering tourism, making its advancement imperative and reliant on community support. To assess the allure of Sunrise Land Beach and gauge visitor interest, a comprehensive study was undertaken, aimed at analyzing the willingness of visitors to pay for its attractions. Employing quantitative research methodologies, including multiple linear regression analysis, this study delved into the factors influencing visitors' inclinations. Through a combination of interviews and observational data collection, researchers endeavored to elucidate the research objectives. The findings of this investigation revealed that visitors to Sunrise Land Beach demonstrated a considerable willingness to pay, with an average valuation of Rp. 7,657 (equivalent to 0.49 USD) per visit for tourism facilities. Moreover, the study identified Education and Environmental Awareness as variables that positively and significantly influenced visitors' willingness to pay for the provision of tourism amenities at Sunrise Land Beach.
KEYWORDS:Willingness To Pay, Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Facilities, Visitor Characteristics
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