Albana Sadiku
Faculty of Education University “Isa Boletini” in Mitrovica
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Ethics can be interpreted as a regulatory factor that helps in the honest realization of work in the field of education, whether it is of a research nature or not. Utilizing ethics, the ways of functioning are defined, respectively the limits, the reasons, and the correct ways of interacting with others. In a narrower sense, ethics in research in the field of education defines the permissible limits up to which a researcher has the right to access. This researcher must have a clear objective for the study, be able to define the purpose of that study, and in specific steps share the ways of carrying out his research. It is preferable, for a researcher to be even slightly informed about the nature of the research he is carrying out, to read pre-practically about the research subjects, because of the consequence, so that he has a clear professional orientation and the eventual orientation of the variables that he wants to research, so the ethical aspect in the field of education is strengthened and considered fulfilled when the researcher uses accurate sources.
KEYWORDS:Ethics, education, research, scientific work.
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Volume 07 Issue 03 March 2024

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